1604 N Country Club Rd
Tucson, AZ 85716 (520) 491-9376
Comprehensive Evaluations
Comprehensive psychological testing & evaluation for children and teenagers can be an important piece in helping to accurately diagnose and design effective treatments. Learning a child’s strengths and weaknesses can help parents, therapists, and the school design better treatments for a child with learning or behavior difficulties. If you feel that you or your child may be struggling with a learning disorder (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia), attention disorder (ADD/ADHD), autism spectrum disorder, or other psychological & cognitive concerns, please call to talk about how psychological testing could be helpful.
Psychological testing involves identifying possible causes for difficulties an individual may be experiencing. The reasons for psychological testing vary, but often include some problems functioning at home, school, or within relationships. Comprehensive evaluations include other components including, but not limited to measures of: intelligence, academic achievement, adaptive functioning, memory, executive functioning, and social/emotional measures. Based on the particular reason for referral, assessment materials will be selected based on information gathered during our initial assessment interview.
A comprehensive evaluation typically includes:
The initial consultation visit (1-1.5 hours)
A review of previous records
In-person testing in the office (about 3 hours)
Completion of behavior rating scales by parents and teachers
Final results session to review all findings
A final copy of the report
Comprehensive assessments and evaluations often require input from third parties (i.e., teacher, counselors, reports, records, etc.). It may be beneficial for me to collaborate with these third parties and/or review reports, records, and documents in order to obtain additional information necessary for the evaluation.
An evaluation typically includes about 3-4 appointments outlined below.
Initial assessment interview
Gather relevant background information
Schedule testing appointments and feedback session
Review billing of psychological testing to insurance companies
Assessment appointments (1-2 sessions)
Conduct individualized testing and complete self-report questionnaires, if applicable
Distribute parent, teacher, and/or observer questionnaire measures
Feedback session (approximately 2 weeks after final testing session)
Review testing results, interpretation, and recommendations
Complete release of information forms for report distribution (if necessary)
More information about evaluations, including fees, can be found on the psychological evaluation agreement.