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Learning Disability Evaluations

Learning disability evaluations, also known as psychoeducational evaluations, assess a child’s learning potential as well as specific academic strengths and weaknesses. These evaluations help to identify whether a child has a specific learning disability such as dyslexia (reading disability), dysgraphia (writing disability), and/or dyscalculia (math disability). They are an important part of identifying appropriate academic interventions or instruction to facilitate learning. Early identification of learning problems is key to a child’s later academic success, and a psychoeducational evaluation helps to identify the specific reasons a child is having problems learning.


Many children struggle with reading, writing, and/or math and assume that they just aren't smart enough to "get it." This can lead to decreased confidence, acting out, and avoidance of school work altogether. For many, however, it may be more than just not "getting it" - your child may be suffering from a learning disability


Much like poor vision, learning disabilities are something that we're born with - and something that can be treated once it has been identified. Comprehensive testing is a thorough approach to identifying and treating learning disorders.


Learning disability evaluation typically include:

  • Initial interview for a thorough background history

  • Review of academic records (report cards, state testing scores, benchmarks, etc.)

  • Cognitive and academic testing in the office

  • Interviews and diagnostic measures for parents, teacher, and sometimes the child/teen

  • Comprehensive written report with diagnoses

  • Treatment recommendations and follow-up strategies

  • Feedback session to discuss results

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